Setting up an OpenVPN Server on a TP Link AX5400 Router
In this guide, I'll show how to set up a VPN Server on your AX54000 Router. The setup is fairly straight forward.
Why would you want to set one up? Here are some reasons:
- Security - VPN connections encrypts your online traffic and makes it difficult to monitor your traffic
- Access - You can securely access your home network from anywhere
- Privacy - You can browse the internet privately
- You have configured your router already
Use Cases:
- RDP from work
- RDP from mobile
Step 1 - Log in your router
Log into your router ( default)

Step 2 - Navigate to Advanced -->VPN Server --> OpenVPN

Step 3 - OpenVPN Configuration
Select the enable Checkbox and choose TCP. Why TCP? It's more reliable protocol that establishes a dedicated connection before transmitting data. TCP is often preferred for file transfers or other applications that require more reliable data transmission.
OpenVPN - Enable
Service Type - TCP
Service Port - Leave the default
VPN Subnet - Leave default unless you want to specify
Netmask - Also the default
Client Access - Internet and Home Network: If you only want to access your home network then you can select home Network, otherwise choose both

Step 4 - Certificate generation and Export
Once the above step is complete, click on generate a certificate and then Export. The certificate is used to verify the identity of the server and client and encrypts traffic between them.

Step 5 - Configure the routing
This is a very important step if you want to be able to connect to your home devices/internet.
First, navigate to Network--> Routing in the left navigation bar

As you can in the static routing image below, when you enable the VPN Server, it automatically creates a routeing table for it. This allows you to connect to the VPN. For further connectivity, you need to create a custom route to your default gateway (a router in my case).

Click Add and enter the following:
Network Destination:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:
Interface: WAN
Description: VPN Route
Step 6 - Download & Install the OpenVPN client
Once the route has been enabled, you are ready to connect. Navigate to the official website Community Downloads | OpenVPN and choose your desired installer

Step 7 - Launch the client and connect
Drag or browse the file into the GUI. This will create a profile that you can connect to easily

Done! You should now be able to successfully connect to your VPN configured.
If you experience issues with network connectivity e.g. no access to the network/internet, please check the routing table. This took me a few tries to get working for some reason but it eventually kicked in.

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